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Top Ten Largest Construction Projects

Here we present a list of the top 10 Largest Construction Projects. The World's Largest construction project list can change from time to time, but these great construction projects will be remembered by many humans around the world and how they help thousands of communities. World's Largest construction projects goes from our planet up to the outer space, where you can find also some amazing projects.

1. South Valley Development, Egypt

South Valley Development, EgyptPhoto NASA Goddard Photo and Video
Trying to disperse Egyptian population to other areas, there are some major development going on in the Sahara desert. Water is being transported and made accessible as the first sign of major construction. The first stage of this mega-project was the Mubarak Pump Stations, completed in 2003. There is no question that this is the world’s biggest pumping station, with the capacity to handle 25 million cubic meters per day. Nile river water is pumped into the Sheikh Zayed Canal, a 72-kilometer-long.

2. Jubail II, Saudi Arabia

World's Largest Projects: Jubail IIBy JonRawlinson
A 22 year industrial project that is getting an $80 billion expansion. This project will have the effect of double the population of the area. When completed, it will be composed of 100 industrial plants, 800,000 cubic meter desalination plant, miles and miles of railways, roads and highways, and an oil refinery producing at least 350,000 barrels per day. The entire project is slated to be finished in 2024.

3. Dubailand, Dubai

World's Largest Projects: DubailandBy CP
Walt Disney World can fit three times inside this complex. With 278 square kilometers, the $64 billion Dubailand will have six parts: theme parks, sports venues, eco-tourism, health facilities, science attractions, and hotels. It will also have the largest hotel with 6,500 rooms and one of the biggest Malls with at least 10 million square feet. The completion of this project is estimated for 2025.

4. International Space Station, Space

World's Largest Construction Projects - ISSBy Flyingsinger
The ISS circulates the Earth every 92 minutes and was created by a partnership between 15 nations and 5 space agencies. This consortium will spend $60 billion over the next years completing upgrades and necessary equipment so it can continue to perform its mission. The project is almost finished with finishing touches being made over the last two years.

5. South-to-North Water Transfer Project, China

World's Largest: South to North Water TransferBy John Trathome
The North of China is home to almost 50% of China's population, but it only has near 20% of water resources. Three of the China largest rivers will be supplying water to the North area by the construction of three water canals, each one of them with a longitude of more than 600 miles. It is a 48 year project, that will require the relocation of several hundred of thousands habitants, but there are great concerns regarding flooding potential and water quality issues. When completed it will supply 44 billion cubic meters of water annually.

6. Yas Island Mixed-Use Complex, Abu Dhabi

World's Largest Construction Project: Yas IslandBy Bilal Mirza
 This will become one of the middle east major vacation destination. Yas Island will have a Formula One racetrack going through its marine and running under the Yas Hotel. Another trademark being built here is the Ferrari World Abu Dhabi, world's largest indoor theme park It will be a tribute to Italian landmarks like the Coliseum and Venice.

7. Songdo International Business District, South Korea

Songdo IBDPhoto Conbon 33
 Building a new urban center in Incheon, Korea, it will have a population of over 60,000 and the tallest South Korea building. The construction project is expanding over 1,500 acres reclaimed from the sea.

8. Sellafield Nuclear Site, England

Worlds Largest Construction Projects: SellafieldPhoto Markc123
 Covering over 700 acres, this is the U.K.'s primary nuclear-fuel reprocessing facility. Containing the world's first commercial nuclear power plant, that finished operations in 2003, there is some cleaning to do. The process will take more than a century. By 2120, the Sellafield site will have achieved brownfield status.


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